Things Senior Home Caregivers Provide To The Elderly

About 6.3 million seniors need a high level of care due to cognitive impairment. Furthermore, for 2050, an estimation of an increase of 300% in dementia patients has been projected. At care clinics for elders, senior home caregivers at Lake County, IL, realize how keeping the hygiene and mental well-being of the elderly requires sacrifice and compromise. Unfortunately, it is sometimes rather difficult to convince the senior to accept outside help as they feel it will discredit their dignity, self-esteem, and privacy. One of the reasons elders are still capable of making decisions regarding their personal care is independence. Here are a few ways in which caregivers can make life better for the elderly :

Effective Continence Aids

Some seniors have difficulty controlling their bladder or bowel functions. Caregivers offer changing and cleaning services regularly to avoid the potential risk of infection. Senior home caregivers at Lake County, IL, consult your elder’s general physician (GP) to see if they have any special toileting needs.

Safety Supervision

The risk of accidental fall injuries increases with growing age. Loss of bone density, the decline of nervous coordination, and weak eyesight often lead to fatal slip and falls.

➔ Falls account for 25% of all hospital admissions,
➔ And 40% of all nursing home admissions,
➔ 40% of those admitted do not return to independent living,
➔ 25% die within a year.

Unfortunately, most incidents never get reported. Even a seemingly harmless tripping incident can lend a deathblow to the senior’s self-confidence. Elderly care services in Mchenry, IL, provide safety and convalescence time to the patient of concern.

Make sure you look for the right senior caregiving service provider and let your elder lead a happier life.


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